Lovely Pink Floral Durham Quilt
A Pretty Pink Handstitched Durham Quilt, English, Early 20th Century
A Patchwork Durham Quilt
A Lovely Patchwork Durham Quilt, English, Late 19th C, in good condition (Double Bed Size)
19th Century Printed Quilt
A Lovely 19th Century Printed Quilt, English (Good Condition)
An Embroidered And Crocheted Bedspread
An Edwardian Blue and White Cross Stitch Embroidered Crochet Bedspread, English, Early 20th Century
A Suzani
A Very Unusually Coloured Suzani, Central Asia, c.1930s Please note that this Suzani is much more pink than the red these photos suggest
A Lovely Antique Paisley Quilt
An Antique Large Paisley Quilt, 19th Century, Good Condition.
Pink and White Embroidered Bedcover
A Pretty Pink and White Embroidered and Crocheted Bedcover Suitable for a Small Double or a Single, English, c.1940s
Embroidered and Crochet Single Bed Cover
A Beautiful Edwardian Embroidered and Crochet Single Bed Cover or Table Cloth, English, Early 20th C, in blues and yellows
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