A Large Masons Ironstone Jardiniere
A Lovely Masons Ironstone Jardiniere or Brush Pot, English, 19th Century
A Pale Lilac Limed and Gilt Oval Mirror
A Pretty Oval Gilt and Limed Mirror with Bevelled Plate, English, Mid 20th Century
A Large Moroccan Pottery Plate
A Large Blue and White Moroccan Pottery Plate or Charger, Early 20th Century, With Calligraphic Centre
Large Chartreuse Milk Glass Vase
A Very Large Chartreuse Milk Glass Vase, 20th Century
A Lovely Moroccan Lantern
A Very Pretty Burnished Copper Pierced Moroccan Lantern Inset with Pale Pink Coloured Glass Stones, North African, Mid 20th C
Large Transfer Printed Bowl,
A Lovely Large Transfer Printed Bowl, English, 19th Century
A Lovely Moroccan Plate
A Pretty Moroccan Plate with Cursive Script, Mid 20th Century
A Very Large Bronze Urli (Cooking Bowl)
A Very Large Bronze Urli (Cooking Bowl), South India, Early 19th Century