A Lovely Turkish Faded Pale Kelim
A Lovely Small Turkish Faded Pale Kelim Rug, Mid 20th Century
A Pretty Kelim Rug
A Small Kelim Rug, Anatolia, Mid 20th Century in Pretty Faded Colours
A North African Bobble Rug
An Attractive North African Small Flatweave Rug with Bobbles, Mid 20th Century
A Very Pretty Anatolian Kelim
A Very Pretty Anatolian Kelim in Yellow and Pink Tones, Early – Mid 20th Century
A Wonderful Large Anatolian Kelim
A Spectacular Large Kelim Rug, Early 20th Century
A Pretty English Needlepoint Rug
A Pretty English Needlepoint Rug, 20th Century
Lovely Turkish Kelim
A Lovely Coloured Turkish Kelim Rug with Long Tassels Either End
Large Vintage Tunisian Kelim
An Amazing Large Vintage Tunisian Kelim in Wonderful Colours