Large Framed Embroidery of Parrots
A Framed and Glazed Large Scale Silk Embroidery of Parrots Amongst Branches, English, Early 20th C, in Oak Moulded Frame
Indian Embroidered Textile
A Lovely Gujerati Embroidered Quilted Textile, India, Early 20th C, Decorated with people and animals, with applique fabric and tiny mirrors. Please note this should be hung landscape. To Be Mounted on a Stretcher
An Embroidered Suzani Panel
A Lovely Faded Suzani Mounted Textile, Central Asia, 19th C, embroidered with faded terracotta, blues, browns and black. Stretched and mounted on a frame. shown here pre mounting. More photos and detail to come.
Indian Mounted Textile
A Very Decorative Embroidered Indian Mirrorwork Textile, India, Early 20th C, Some slight staining to one embroidered pink/orange roundal, otherwise very good clean condition.
A Large Suzani Panel
A Large Embroidered Suzani Panel, Central Asia, Late 19th C the textile backed on to a stretcher On APPRO
A Suzani Panel, Central Asia, 19th C
A Beautiful Embroidered Suzani Panel, Central Asia, Late 19th C, mounted on a frame and backed for the wall
A Suzani Panel, Central Asia, Late 19th C
A Beautiful Mounted Suzani Panel, Central Asia, Late 19th Century, backed onto a frame and mounted for the wall
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