A Kashmiri Miniature Tray
A Pretty Kashmiri Papier Mache Desk Tray, Kashmir, India, Early 20th C
A Kashmiri Letter Knife
A Lovely Kashmiri Papier Mache Letter Opener, Kashmir, India, Early 20thC
A Kashmiri Candlestick
A Lovely Tall Kashmiri Candlestick Converted to Electricity, Early 20th C, re-wired.
Large Kashmiri Lamp
An Early Large Kashmiri Polychrome Painted Candlestick, Converted to Electricity, Early 20th C
Pair of Kashmiri Vases
A Pair of Beautiful Very Good Quality Kashmiri Papier Mache Vases Made by I. Sufdha Hussain and Sons of Srinagar Kashmir (labels to the base)Decorated all over with floral patterns, Kashmir, India, 19th C
A Kashmiri Papier Mache Bowl
A Very Pretty Kashmiri Papier Mache Bowl, Decorated Inside and Out, Kashmir, India, Early 20th C. Good Condition
Kashmiri Polychrome Painted Papier Mache Domed Letter Box
A Kashmiri Polychrome Painted Papier Mache Domed Letter Box, Late 19th Century with interior letter compartments.