A Fez Pottery Bowl
A Pretty Fez Pottery Bowl with Carved Bone Rim, Morocco, Early 20th Century Chip to centre
A Large Deep Cabbage Ware Salad Bowl
A Lovely Deep Cabbage Ware Salad Bowl, Portuguese, Mid 20th Century
A Set of Four Cabbage Ware Plate
A Lovely Set of Four Cabbage Ware Plates, Portuguese, Mid 20th Century
A Large Fez Pottery Vase Converted to a Lamp
A Wonderful Tall Fez Pottery Vase (To be Converted), Morocco, 19th Century, with Significant Cracks to Exterior. Please note there is no evidence of the cracks internally. This Vase is stable
Set 10 Portuguese Cabbageware Dishes
A Wonderful Set of 10 Portuguese Cabbageware Dishes or Salad Dishes, Mid 20th Century
A Set of Three Portuguese Cabbage Plates
A Set of Three Green Pretty Portuguese Cabbage Ware Plates, Mid 20th Century
A Painted Faux Bamboo Chair
A Pretty Painted Faux Bamboo Cane Seated Chair, English, 19th Century, In Original Paint with Squab Cushion
Pr of Vintage Silk Sari Lampshades 14″
A Pair of Lovely Vintage Silk Sari Embroidered Lampshades in Cream with Green and Gold Embroidery, Gathered with Frill